River Regulation Work, St. Louis Water Department. Missouri River at Howard's Bend. Way Barge for Weaving Mattress. Kansas City Bridge Co., Contractor.
River Regulation Work, St. Louis Water Department. Missouri River at Howard's Bend. Pile Dike - floating pile driver driving pile with steam hammer and water jet. Kansas City Bridge Co.
Two photos showing two different moments before American Troops leave Germany. "Above - Major General Henry T. Allen, commanding the last of the American troops in Germany, inspects his men before they embark on the transport St. Mihiel for home. General Allen is directly in the center. Below - American soldiers entrain at Coblenz, bid their German wives farewell, if only for a short time. The women went to the port of embarkation on a separate train."
"The American troops marching through Coblenz to entrain for the embarkation port, where they boarded the transport St. Mihiel, the streets were lined with a guard of French troops, who took over control of the city after the departure of the Americans. There were many tear dimmed eyes among the hundreds of Natives who lined the streets to wave farewell to the American boys with whom they had become fast friends."
"First Photos of American Troops Leaving Coblenz for Home./French civil and military authorities at Coblenz tribute to the American troops leaving the city for the U.S. photo shows the last of the American troops passing through the square for final review."
"First and Exclusive Photos of Last of American Troops Leaving Rhine!/This first and exclusive photo the first to arrive from abroad shows the U.S. Flag passing the French Flag and the Guard of Honor as last of American troops prepare to embark for States at Antwerp."