The St. Mary Magdalen Boy Scout troops march in the school parade, June, 1955. Photograph donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Sherlyn Maughs.
A new day nursery at Puritt Homes, Jefferson avenue and Dickson street, is providing care for the tots of working mothers at the housing project. Reading to a group of 3-year-olds is Mrs. Doris Thurman, 4646 Palm st., one of the nursery teachers.
Harris Teachers College has its cafeteria in a basement corridor, so crowded that it must be used as a "one-way street." A cafeteria and a gymnasium are the school's critical needs which would be met through the school bond issue to be voted on May 26, the same date as the St. Louisans will vote in the $110, 639,000 municipal bond issue. The two will be on separate ballots.
Servicemen make up most of the advance guard of the Christmas holiday travel rush pouring through Union Station yesterday. This picture was taken on the Concourse in front of the arrivals and departure board.
The Jewel Box at Forest Park, circa 1955. The Jewel Box is a display greenhouse located at the intersection of Wells and McKinley Drives in St. Louis. The building was first opened in 1936 and underwent major renovations in 2002. Donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Gerald R. Massie and the Massie family.
Mercantile Trust Company observes its one-hundredth anniversary with a special flag-raising and luncheon ceremony. From left are Kenton R. Cravens, president of the bank; Hord Hardin, chairman of the Executive Committee; Mayor Raymond R. Tucker, congratulating Sidney Maestre, chairman of the board, and Gale F. Johnston, vice chairman of the board.
, bounded roughly by Eighteenth, Market, Fourteenth and Olive, will be cleared away to make a connecting parkway with Memorial Plaza and a housing development. Demolition work will begin Apr. 19."
Caption on back: "Sign of the times: The MOVED sign on the Model Hotel and Auditorium Bar means that the building and some 86 others in the area are about to be razed in St. Louis's latest slum-clearance project."
"Fourteen old coins in the Plaza area demolition were found by Jay Sirolos, 4622A Pope ave., superintendent of salvage operations for Prock & Ehinger Construction Co. Some of the coins, found in wreckage at 1719 Market st., dated back to 1827."
the ceremony the most important he had participated in since becoming mayor." "Dust an bricks flew when Mayor Tucker manned the controls to swing a 4700-pound metal ball against a two-story building at 1627 Chestnut st., to begin demolition for redevelopment of the Plaza area. This scene was photographed Apr. 19." "Mayor Tucker guides the iron ball from crane to strike the first blow at building at
Caption on back: "Debris piles up along the 1500 block of Pine street following the collapse of a portion of a building being demolished to make way for the Plaza housing project. No one was hurt, but one woman fell while scampering to safety."