A fractured wrist bone will necessitate the Hawks' Bob Pettit wearing a cast on his left arm for the rest of the season. Pettit suffered the injury during the game with Boston Friday night and will try playing with the handicap for the first time today at Minneapolis.
Photograph of baseball executive Ford Frick and New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel together at the 1957 All-Star game. The two are smiling as Frick crosses his fingers.
Father Edward Dowling S. J., one of those interested in erecting stone at forgotten resting place, points with cane to exact spot of Dred Scott's grave in Calvary Cemetery while great-grandson, John A. Madison, his wife and children look on.
"Beechwood chips, sterilized in a cooker, are placed in the Anheuser-Busch Lagering Cellars (above). Here the beer ages, and "krausening," a costly second fermentation, produces Budweiser's natural carbonation and flavor."
"Anheuser-Busch officials completed the purchase of a 160-acre tract of land in the Tampa, Fla., Industrial Park here yesterday. August A. Busch Jr., president, said a new brewery would be built on the site. Taking part in the meeting were (from left) John L. Wilson, Anheuser-Busch executive president; Busch; Ellsworth Simmons, chairman of the board of of Tampa County Commissioners; Henry Toland