A fractured wrist bone will necessitate the Hawks' Bob Pettit wearing a cast on his left arm for the rest of the season. Pettit suffered the injury during the game with Boston Friday night and will try playing with the handicap for the first time today at Minneapolis.
Headed overseas before Christmas, Pvt. George A. Posey wistfully spent his last few minutes in St. Louis yesterday at Union Station with his girl friend, Miss Margaret Scheer, 226 Fannie ave., Luxemburg, as the Southwest Hight School Choir strolled through the station singing Christmas carols. Posey, who had been stationed at the Army Medical Depot here, was off for Seattle and duty overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Schultz, 5361 Minerva ave., with their two younger children, Carol, 7, and Jeffrey, 3. Mr. Schultz says, "I found out that when you don’t know anybody to turn to, United Fund will go to bat for you."