Photograph of passengers on the top deck of the President steamboat overlooking the Mississippi River. Photograph is taken from within the pilothouse., p11-3-3-58-8
Viewing amature photo exhibit in the lobby of the Mercantile Trust Company are Sidney Maestre chairman of the bank's executive committee, and Herman Orlick, assistant to the vice president.
"Guests of the St. Louis de Ville Motor Hotel, 4483 Lindell bl., relax at the sunken swimming plaza. The $5,000,000 motor hotel opened for business Monday. The de Ville is owned by Melvin and Harold Dubinsky, St. Louis real estate investors, and Paul Kapelow, a New Orleans investor and construction magnate.
Caption: "View from Market at 17th showing #30 Plaza Square in left foreground, with #20 at right, behind which is St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Patio-court with striking landscaping is between #30 and #20 Plaza Square. Foreground area at left and right is where new city park is being landscaped."
At Ribbon Cutting, formally opening two Grand Towers Apartment buildings at 3530 Laclede ave., Wednesday, left to right are, Sam Michelson, president of St. Louis Redevelopment; Dr. Daniel O'Neill, a member of the faculty of St. Louis University, and first tenant in the new building, and Mayor Raymond R. Tucker.
Lindell Terrace apartment residents, Lindell boulevard and Taylor ave. is nearing completion, with the Taylor avenue entrance to be open within the next few weeks, according to L.J. Adreon, executive vice president of the Siteman Organization, developer of the project.
"Nearing completion on Lindell boulevard at Taylor avenue are two projects. Building in the foreground is the St. Louis de Ville luxury motel hotel, which is being built east of Taylor. Beyond the motel is the new Lindell Terrace Apartments, west of Taylor."