FALSTAFF BREWING Corp has closed its office at 5050 Oakland Ave., following the financial takeover of the corporation last April by Californian Paul Kalmanovitz. Shortly after Kalmanovitz gained control of the St. Louis-based brewing corporation, the headquarters was transferred to California, a number of executives were either transferred or let go, and a few personnel were moved to the St. Louis brewery on Shenandoah Avenue. On Tuesday, the building itself was closed and Falstaff is seeking a lesee for the furnished property.
Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner and all the trimmings outside Busch Memorial Stadium Thursday are Big Red fans Tom Burnham, Ken Bushart, Jim Perry, Joe Perry, John Hubbard and Jerry Perry. Indigestion came later when the Buffalo Bills feasted on the Cardinals, 32-14.
Uncommon attention is drawn to a "common boa" during Camera Day at the St. Louis Zoo. Zeroing in, from left, are Hank Gellegos of St. Louis, Dick Hurd of Hazelwood, Ann Penny of Maplewood and Bill Henderson of Florissant.
"Sister Donna Loretta Gunn, left, shows a display apartment at San Luis to a prospective tenant, Mrs. Harry E. Coffin. The new kitchen is reflected in the mirror above the couch."
Water-filled plastic tubes placed at entrance and exit ramps are saving lives and reducing damage in accidents on the Poplar Street Bridge, Illinois state highway officials reported Friday.
The Mansion House complex, in which the federal government has invested $46 million, is worth $18.5 million, according to an appraisal prepared for the government.
Clifford James and Miss Edna White have some coffee and doughnuts Sunday at the Cardinal Ritter Institute Senior Center. They are residents of the Blumeyer housing project, one of the places where the storm caused power failure.
Resident gardener Alois Hangge trims a rose bush at Neighborhood Gardens while William Dilworth, maintenance man at the apartment complex, paints a porch.
Above is a section of Euclid avenue that will be a shopping and services districts for the redevelopment area. Below, the Executive House apartments in the 4400 block of West Pine boulevard towers over old house in the 4400 block of Laclede avenue.
Resident gardener Alois Hangge trims a rose bush at Neighborhood Gardens while William Dilworth, maintenance man at the apartment complex, paints a porch.
"Participants in Boatmen's business forecast luncheon were, seated from the left, Stanley J. Goodman, Ellis L. Brown, W. L. Hadley Griffin and Walter J. Simmons; standing from the left, Donald N. Brandin, Richard C. Grayson, Paul F. Cornelson and Stanley H. Anonsen."
"Mrs. Grace Varady of the comptroller's office at Boatmen's National Bank with two prize-winning dolls she dressed in the 26th annual doll dressing contest for bank employes Tuesday. The dolls in the contest will be on display at the bank downtown from Monday through Dec. 18 and then will be distributed to various charitable organizations in the area. More than 200 dolls were entered in the
"Soldiers stationed at Jefferson Barracks in past years would have a hard time recognizing the powder magazine, which is being converted for use as a community meeting room in Jefferson Barracks County Park."