Amusement park fire under inquiry: Firemen, silhouetted against blazing amusement rides at the Chain of Rocks Fun Fair Park, fight the fire which caused an estimated $180,000 in damage.
Workers remodel the lobby inside the terminal at Union Station. The station is the source of many golden memories for Missourians, who are sharing them with redevelopers.
Vol. XXII, No. 12. American Trade and Panama Canal: Advantages Accruing American Trade Through the Building of the Isthmian Canal in Opening up New Markets. River Tonnage and Improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Schultz, 5361 Minerva ave., with their two younger children, Carol, 7, and Jeffrey, 3. Mr. Schultz says, "I found out that when you don’t know anybody to turn to, United Fund will go to bat for you."