Archaeological study of sites near the Golden Spike National Historic Site., File provided by Utah Division of State History after records center review by Arie Leeflang.
7 15/16 inches by 4 15/16 inches blue card with white and black writing. There are white letters at the top spelling "PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA". Below the white writing is a picture of Barack Obama. In between two white lines is a quote in white lettering by Barack Obama. Bottom middle there is the campaign logo. At the bottom there is a black outline box with black letters spelling "Paid for by
2 7/8 inches by 9 inches unused blue vinyl bumper sticker with white writing. On the left side is an image of Mitt Romney with his signature underneath. At the top middle there are white letters spelling "ROMNEY-RYAN MITTROMNEY.COM". The "R" in the first Romney is stylized and is red, white, and blue.
5 1/2 inches by 17 inches blue door hanger. At the top in white letters are the words "ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA" next to the Obama campaign logo in white. Below this are the words "VOTE TUESDAY" and "NOVEMBER 6TH FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA". Below this is a picture of President Barack Obama waving. At the bottom of the door hanger is white and navy blue lettering that reads, "POLLS ARE OPEN" and "6:00