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Competitive Design for the Missouri Building, 1904 World's Fair
Blue Book and Directory of the Merchants League Club
Suggestions on Railroad Communication With the Pacific, And the Trade of China And the Indian Islands
Memorial of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Company, to Congress, December 1857.
Directory of the City of East St. Louis, for 1889-90
Gould's St. Louis Directory, for 1878
Gould's St. Louis Directory, for 1895 (For the Year Ending April 1st, 1896)
Gould's St. Louis Directory, for 1893 (For the Year Ending April 1st, 1894.)
Gould's St. Louis Directory, for 1879
Gould's St. Louis Directory, for 1877
Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1876-1877
The Railroads of St. Louis.
Chipola Canal Company--Act Council, Florida.
Extraits du Rapport Sur L'Exposition de Paris
Carry on With Roosevelt Button
Re-Elect President Roosevelt Button
Small Stars and Stripes Roosevelt Button
Texas for Roosevelt and Truman Button
Red, White, and Blue Taft Button


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