An illustration of the St. Louis Custom House and Post Office in 1892. As appears on page 56 of Pen and Sunlight Sketches of St. Louis, a promotional directory of buildings, monuments, and businesses.
- ‘ perous and important in the development of the city: the v L‘US'l‘()\I H()L'SF. .—\‘.\'I) I’()>"|' (>I"l"lL'l<'., various lines are known as follows: Citizens’ cable, ;\Iissouri (‘able railway, Northern Central, People's line, etc. The combined 1'()£lLl>' carried in 1890, 68,105,561 pa<:\-encrers, and it is the universal Verdict Show more - ‘ perous and important in the development of the city: the v L‘US'l‘()\I H()L'SF. .—\‘.\'I) I’()>"|' (>I"l"lL'l<'., various lines are known as follows: Citizens’ cable, ;\Iissouri (‘able railway, Northern Central, People's line, etc. The combined 1'()£lLl>' carried in 1890, 68,105,561 pa<:\-encrers, and it is the universal Verdict Show less
Loading stores at Nashville, Tennessee, December, 1863. Left to right: Rob Roy, Belle Peoria, Irene, Revelice, Palestine, Lizzie Martin, Mercury. Note: Hard tack in boxes on levee. It is reported that this photograph was taken by a Confederate spy and turned up after the Civil War.
This time table will be in force June 1st, 1885, until October 1st, 1885. There will be no ferrying done with skiff excepting on Sunday, unless some accident on account of boat. Will run until sundown, if called for. Washington Ferry Co. Frank Hoelscher, Master.
175 x 50 x 6; 512 tons. Casemate 150' x 50' - 21/4\" plating. Torpedoed Yazoo River 1863. Sides 8' high - single wheel. 9 miles per hour. 13 guns mostly 6\" rifles.
The Virginia operated in the Pittsburgh-Cincinnatti trade along with the Keystone State, the Iron Queen, the Scotia, the Carrollton, the Hudson and the Queen City. She was owned by the Pittsburgh and Cincinnatti Packet Company. Her career seemed to have been a hectic one. In 1910 high water from the Kanawha River left her stranded up in a field a hundred yards from the river, high and dry in
Accompanying report to the transportation survey commission of St. Louis., From: Report of the Transportation Survey Commission of the City of St. Louis / submitted to the Board of Aldermen.
Map of the lands granted to the State of Missouri by Act of Congress June 10, 1852, and by Act of the Missouri Legislature December 25, 1852 to the Pacific Railroad Company to aid in the construction of a railroad from St. Louis to the Western Boundary of the State, South of the Osage river said road known as the Soutwestern Branch of the Pacific Railroad. Map accompanying the 1856 Sixth Annual
St. Louis, the metropolis of the district is the home of the Mercantile Trust Company and Mercantile National Bank, both members of the Federal Reserve Bank system. The combined deposits of these two institutions aggregate $32,169,674.84., Statement of responsibility: The Federal Reserve Bank with special reference to District No. 8 : the resources and chief products of the district / compiled and issued by Mercantile Trust Company and Mercantile National Bank.
The Frank Gilmore was an old time Pittsburgh towboat of the pool boat type or with the pilot house set down on her boiler deck ahead of the cabin. She was built at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1883. Her dimensions were:- 135 x 24.3 x 4.3 feet. Tonnage: 243 gross; 160, net tons. She collided with the Andrew Axton on the Monongahela River above Elizabeth, Pennsylvania on November 23, 1903. A flat in
The Dave Wood was built in 1874 as the Joseph Warne at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Later when taken into the Wood fleet she was renamed the Dave Wood. Her dimensions were:- 130.8 x 22.4 x 4.0 feet. Tonnage: gross and net, 144 tons. In the 1890s she was operating as a Pittsburgh pool boat. On January 19th, 1909, she was stranded at Dam No. 4 on the Ohio River.
at Clifton, Tennessee, on the Tennessee River, she was totally destroyed by fire on February 20, 1903. The fire started near the forward main stairway from some unknown cause. She was valued at $30,000. Ascending the Mississippi River she struck a hidden obstruction on September 23, 1901, and sunk in 9 feet of water. She was raised and repaired; cost, $3,500. Damage to cargo, $4,000.
Articles of incorporation and charter for the Ohio & Mississippi Railway Company published in 1876. Includes a history of the creation of the company through the incorporation of railroad and railway companies in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Ohio from 1848 to 1872.