Matchbook cover advertising Automatic Voting Machines of Jamestown, N.Y. The front cover is metallic silver with a three-color printed photo showing a hand pointing to a switch. Black text above the photo reads "AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINE Jamestown, N.Y.". Text below the photo reads "BUILDERS OF VOTING MACHINES SINCE 1896" and below, "CLOSE COVER BEFORE STRIKING MATCH". The back of the cover has a
Print ad for Automatic Voting Machine Corporation of Jamestown, New York, in operation "since 1898". Headline reads "7 Reasons Why More Than 5,500 Cities, Towns and Villages in the United States Use AUTOMATC [sic] VOTING MACHINES". A black and white image of a man using the automatic voting machine in a voting booth is to the right of a bulleted list of reasons, below the headline.
Advertisment for the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation, printed in "The American City". A headline at the top reads "AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINES were used by 12 million* voters at the 1944 presidential election". Text below contains more information about the voting machines and their use. In the center, a black and white photograph shows a man using the voting machine in a voting booth.
6/8-inch round, pin back button with sepia portrait of William H. Taft. Arched along the top and bottom of the button is text reading "For President, Wm H. Taft." Button has paper label on reverse for Hyatt Manufacturing Corporation, Baltimore.
Library in the New Chancery of the St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese houses this beautiful long conference table. The complete building is one of the Bank Building's proudest projects. About 1,000 square feet of area. Front of photograph "Please credit- Commercial Design Division of Bank Building & Equipment Corporation."
101/2 inches by 8 1/8 inches comedy magazine for Bill Clinton's 1997 inauguration. The cover is red, blue and yellow. At the top there are white letters spelling "1997 COMEDY INAGURATION GUIDE". At the middle top there are red and black letters spelling "Bill & Hill's PIG PARTY!” There are edited pictures of Bill and Hillary Clinton. To the left of the images are black letters spelling "Four
Set of bubble gum cigars in red, white, and blue designed box (6.25" x 5.25" x 1.5") that features a black and white portrait of George H. W. Bush to promote Bush's 1988 presidential campaign. Produced by Swell Philadelphia Chewing Gum Corporation.
"Another chosen on the basis of the 'Three S's'--suitability, safety and style. Miss Betty Pearia, looks charming as well as efficient in tailored slacks. A gaily colored bandanna keeps her curls safe and shiny, and steel-toe safety shoes protect her toes in case she drops a heavy object."