"#10 Plaza Square, of Plaza Square Apartments, viewed to west from Plaza area just west of Soldier's Memorial. Chestnut and Market Streets are at left, Pine Street at right."
"Plaza Square Apartments viewed to southeast from 17th Street (foreground, left to right) where it is intersected by Pine. #30 Plaza Square (right) contains model display apartments with entrance at far right at 17th and Chestnut."
"Plaza Square Apartments viewed to northwest from corner of Chestnut Street (left foreground) and 15th Street (right). St. John's Catholic Church is located between #20 Plaza Square and #10 (center foreground).
"Two 'charter customers' of the bank of St. Louis drive up to one of the recently installed drive-in cashier's windows on the Lucas avenue side of the bank. Frederick B. von Harten and his sister, Miss Anne Eleanor von Harten, are accompanied by George L. Sullivan, the owner of the 1913 Ford. Mayor Raymond R. Tucker and Arthur Blumeyer, president of the bank, greet the customers."
will honor Charles A. Lindbergh at its 101st annual meeting to be held Friday, April 28, 1967. A highlight of the meeting will be the first American presentation of "Der Lindberghflug," a musical tribute by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht. Boatmen's Lindbergh postcard display was provided through the courtesy of a local resident, Mrs. Russell Splettstosser. The display will continue through the month
SIDNEY MAESTRE, banker and civic leader, was named by Mayor Tucker as chariman of the Citizens Bond Issue Screening Committee to prepare items to be included in the proposed $100,000,000 public improvement bond issue.
" 'Jeanette and Her Wooden Shoes' is one of four special productions by the Lalla Bauman Dancers at The Globe-Democrat Spring Fashion Show Feb. 15 at Kiel Auditorium. Dancers, from left, are Carol Sekosky, Rod Reiner and Shelley Rayburn."
"View of patio-court between No. 30 and No. 20 Plaza Square, looks east to No. 20, with roof of Kiel Auditorium and new Federal Building under construction at right. There is surface parking on either side of the patio-court, which features a lily pond in the center and lattice shaded benches."
Sepia photograph of Grant, as per writing on the back this is the "final photograph" of him. He is seated on the porch, reading a newspaper. On the front bottom "copyright" is written. On the back, the logo for Gilman is printed. There is a medal of a cross with "Gilman," written inside. Below the cross "Canajoharie, N.Y." is printed.
Image shows three winners of the Boys Town Kaleidoscope Poster Contest. From the left is the competition chairman Irvin Davis, first prize winner Lonnie Busch, second prize winner Mark Paradowski. third prize winner Duke Dykstra and chairman of the board of Boys Town Harry Neill. Each of the winners were students at Washington University.