Girls of one of the gymnasium classes engage in a game of softball on one of the playing fields at Harris Teachers College, with the main school building in the background.
Servicemen make up most of the advance guard of the Christmas holiday travel rush pouring through Union Station yesterday. This picture was taken on the Concourse in front of the arrivals and departure board.
"Anheuser-Busch officials completed the purchase of a 160-acre tract of land in the Tampa, Fla., Industrial Park here yesterday. August A. Busch Jr., president, said a new brewery would be built on the site. Taking part in the meeting were (from left) John L. Wilson, Anheuser-Busch executive president; Busch; Ellsworth Simmons, chairman of the board of of Tampa County Commissioners; Henry Toland
"Alderman John Roddy (left) chats with John T. Dickmann, general manager of the Plaza Square Apartments, during a preview of 16 furnished display apartments, which will be open to the public at noon Friday. They are seated in the living room of an apartment which includes a separate bedroom and kitchen. Mrs. Carole Poehner (below) of the Dolan Company, which is handling rentals, sits in the
"Alderman John Roddy (left) chats with John T. Dickmann, general manager of the Plaza Square Apartments, during a preview of 16 furnished display apartments, which will be open to the public at noon Friday. They are seated in the living room of an apartment which includes a separate bedroom and kitchen. Mrs. Carole Poehner (below) of the Dolan Company, which is handling rentals, sits in the
"Plaza progress continues as work goes rapidly ahead on 13-story apartment buildings being erected in the area bounded by Fifteenth, Chestnut, Seventeenth, and Olive streets. This view, looking north from Sixteenth and Market streets, shows two of the six buildings in the development along with the Cenetary Methodist Church and St. John's Basilica, which will serve residents when the 1090 units
"Plaza development gets under way at Fifteenth and Pine Streets where test borings are being made prior to construction of a three-story rectory by St. John's Catholic Church and the laying of a sewer line by the Urban Redevelopment Corporation. The block, which extends to Sixteeth and Chestnut streets, has been selected for the first building in the 1090-unit Plaza apartment project. It will be
"Admiring the view from one of the Plaza apartment balconies are David Zerker, a Terminal Railroad employee, and his fiance, Mary Jo Mills, a student at Marquette University. They plan to move into Plaza Square after their marriage in June."
"Preperation of Plaza site for the first of six 13-story apartment buildings begins as a Fruin-Colnon Contracting Company crane starts digging up an old sewer line, which will be relocated. The task is expected to take two weeks after which excavation for the first building will begin on the west side of Fifteenth street at Chestnut."
"For rent sign approved by the Municipal Art Commission has been placed on the Chestnut street side of one of the buildings in the Plaza Square apartment development between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. Three of the six buildings in the project have been completed and about a third of the 1090 apartments have been rented, officials reported."
"A sign of spring is the Milles Fountain, which is again playing opposite Union Station. Enjoying the cool spray between trains are Donna, 10, and her 14-month-old brother, Kenneth, children of Sgt. And Mrs. Alfred Blackburne, who were en route from New York to Newburgh, Mo."
Prizes in the form of savings account, were awarded yesterday in the Safety Slogan Contest of the State Bank & Trust Co. of Wellston, which was open to grade-school children. From left, Mayor Leo Hayes of Wellston, handed the passbook recording the $35 first prize to Glen Curtis Feeney, 1397 Clara ave.; Barbara Alberici, winner of the $15 second prize; Adele Hyman, winner of the $5 fourth prize
1-inch copper token with profile portrait of George Washington and "17891st President U.S.A., George Washington 1797" in low relief surrounding the portrait. Reverse of token is identical to the front.
Boards and girders hang crazily after this one-lane bridge on Old Baumgartner road over Mattese Creek in south St. Louis County was "blown up." Here detectives (at right) examine the spot where they believe the charge was placed.