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Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association
Letter from Joseph Browne to Colonel Thomas Hunt, March 17, 1807
Report of the President and Managers of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, to the Stockholders. January 5, 1846.
A Lecture; Delivered in the Musical Fund Hall
The Thirteenth Annual Report of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor
Remarks of the Hon. Jo. Davis, of Howard County
A Discourse on the Medical Police of the City of New York
Letter From the Secretary of War, Transmitting the Report of the Board of Internal Improvement
Report of the Proceedings of the Second Annual Fair of the Mo. State Agricultural Society
A Map of the United States
Chipola Canal Company--Act Council, Florida.
National Intelligencer February 26, 1820
National Intelligencer February 22, 1820
National Intelligencer June 24, 1820


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