Bill of lading for the Steamer CLYDE for shipment of 27 tons #1 pig iron and 15 tons #2 pig iron, May 14, 1886 to St. Louis, Missouri, for the La Grange Iron Co. at $2.00 per ton.
Map of the Mississippi River stretching from Alton, Illinois to Saint Louis, Missouri and East Saint Louis, Illinois. Includes islands (Kerr's Island; Cabaret Island; Chouteau Island; Wilson's Island; Mobile Island; Ellis Island) and railroads (CH. A. & ST. L. R. R.; St. L. A. & T. H. R. R.; Edwardsville Coal R. R.; O. & M. R. R.)., From: Message of the mayor, and reports of city officers : delivered to the city council.
Vol. XXII, No. 21. The Result of the Humphrey's Bill: If Taken Advantage of by Foreign Owners Would Bring No Benefit in Return. Dates for [Deep Waterway] Convention Fixed. President Taft's Itinerary. Nearly Thrity Miles An Hour.
1 document, May 30, 1819, D. S., transcribing the agreements made to widen a canal and create a reservoir by the Rivanna Company. Original minutes of the Rivanna company were taken by N. H. Lewis and transcribed by Jefferson to this document.
Vol. XXII. No. 48. Devoted to the Marine Profession, Yachting and Commercial Interests. Official Organ of the Western Rivers' Ferry Owners' Association.
The Peerless, Captain Tom Barry, was an Alabama River packet running from Mobile to Montgomery, Alabama. She was built as the James T. Staples in 1908 at Mobile, Alabama and her net and gross tonnage was 365. The high pressure machinery was rated as 900 horsepower. The wooden hull was 200 x 40 x 5.1 feet. She carried a crew of 41. The Staples exploded her boilers on January 9, 1913, was partially
Vol. XXII, No. 12. American Trade and Panama Canal: Advantages Accruing American Trade Through the Building of the Isthmian Canal in Opening up New Markets. River Tonnage and Improvement.