Presenting a brief statement of the special work, location, officers and necessities of the most prominent of such institutions; with a mention of such other organizations as look to public for support. A hand-book for charity workers and a ready reference book for the benevolent public., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Presenting a brief statement of the special work, location, officers and necessities of the most prominent of such institutions; with a mention of such other organizations as look to public for support. A hand-book for charity workers and a ready reference book for the benevolent public., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Presenting a brief statement of the special work, location, officers and necessities of the most prominent of such institutions; with a mention of such other organizations as look to public for support. A hand-book for charity workers and a ready reference book for the benevolent public., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
The Sectional Dock Company have now two complete Docks in successful operation, located at the foot of Lesperance Street. In connection with these Docks they have a Floating Saw Mill, with circular and upright saws and Planing Mill; and have recently added to their facilities a New Saw Mill on shore, 40 by 125 feet, on the most approved plan, with circular and upright saws, and planing mill. They
8 3/4 inches by 4 inches tan brochure with blue letters spelling "WHO WOULD MAKE THE BEST PRESIDENT FOR YOU?" on the front cover. Below the writing is a red arrow pointing to the right with white letters spelling "ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS". The first four pages follow the formula of asking a 'who' question with pictures and names listed of Richard Nixon, George Wallace, and Hubert Humphrey. The questions are masked accomplishments of Humphrey's. Nixon and Wallace are crossed out with red letters spelling "Not him" while Humphrey is circled with red letters spelling "It was Humphrey". The fifth and sixth pages discuss recessions and follow a similar formula. The back cover has a list of programs Humphrey proposed or sponsored. Below the list is a picture of Humphrey with red letters spelling "It was Humphrey". Towards the bottom are blue letters spelling "VOTE HUMPHREY-MUSKIE". At the bottom is blue letters spelling "Authorized and paid for by Wisconsin Humphrey-Muskie Committee" along with the committee members' names. Allied Printing Trades Council union imprint bottom right corner of back cover.
15/16-inch pin back button. White text on blue background covering the top half of the button reads "ROOSEVELT". Red text centered on a white background on the bottom half reads "LABOR'S CHOICE". Two vertical red stripes are on each side of the bottom line of text. Reverse has label for Green Duck Company (Chicago, Il.)
9/16-inch, blue, pin back button. A thin red horizontal stripe bisects the button across the center. Above the stripe is white text reading "ROOSEVELT". Below the stripe is white text reading "HORNER". Reverse has label for Green Duck Company (Chicago, Il.)
1/2-inch pin back button with monochromatic blue portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Along the outer top edge is a red stripe with white text reading "CARRY ON WITH". Along the bottom edge is a blue stripe with white text reading "ROOSEVELT". Label for Bastian Brothers (Rochester, N.Y.) is written on the outer rim of the button.
1/2-inch pin back button featuring a black and white portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt centered on a white background. Black text arched along the outer edge reads "A GALLANT LEADER FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT". Reverse has label for Bastian Brothers Company (Rochester, N.Y.)