An illustration of the St. Louis Custom House and Post Office in 1892. As appears on page 56 of Pen and Sunlight Sketches of St. Louis, a promotional directory of buildings, monuments, and businesses.
- ‘ perous and important in the development of the city: the v L‘US'l‘()\I H()L'SF. .—\‘.\'I) I’()>"|' (>I"l"lL'l<'., various lines are known as follows: Citizens’ cable, ;\Iissouri (‘able railway, Northern Central, People's line, etc. The combined 1'()£lLl>' carried in 1890, 68,105,561 pa<:\-encrers, and it is the universal Verdict Show more - ‘ perous and important in the development of the city: the v L‘US'l‘()\I H()L'SF. .—\‘.\'I) I’()>"|' (>I"l"lL'l<'., various lines are known as follows: Citizens’ cable, ;\Iissouri (‘able railway, Northern Central, People's line, etc. The combined 1'()£lLl>' carried in 1890, 68,105,561 pa<:\-encrers, and it is the universal Verdict Show less
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1904.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1900.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1909.
Address of Thomas Allen of St. Louis, to the Board of Directors of the Pacific Railroad Company, At Their First Meeting. Also A Memorial to Congress, and the Act of Incorporation
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1908.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1907.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1903.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1898.
A general guide and directory for St. Louis in 1913. It includes a conversation between a St. Louisan, a Chicagoan, and a New Yorker about which city is best. There are various maps and city narratives, street car lists, train schedules, and listings of businesses and individuals.
Caption: "View from Market at 17th showing #30 Plaza Square in left foreground, with #20 at right, behind which is St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Patio-court with striking landscaping is between #30 and #20 Plaza Square. Foreground area at left and right is where new city park is being landscaped."
"In the lobby of the Bank of St. Louis, which has been turned into a December Garden in honor of Missouri Botanical Garden, Jack G. Butler, right, shows a picture of Henry Shaw, founder of the garden, to Mrs. Lee I. Niedringhaus, president of the Friends of the Garden, and Henry Hitchcock, president of the Board of Trustees."
Catalog of the students, faculty, and staff of various educational institutions belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States.
A promotional directory featuring illustrations and descriptions of the major buildings, monuments, and businesses in St. Louis for the year 1892, as well as a brief history of the city's founding and development.