SENATOR CORDILL at Reedsville, Ohio. Independent Packet Line. Built at Jeffersonville, Indiana for Natchez and Vicksburg trade. Operated on Upper Ohio in later years of career. Came out in May, 1902 - Dismantled in 1939.
October 29, 1937. - Looking upstream from pilot house of Grafton. Graded bank and mattress weaving about station 219-00. Note curve on which Grafton entered below dike No.79.2L.
October 29, 1937. - Looking downstream from pilot house of Grafton, about station 223-00. Note face of cut standing practically vertical, also water and sand running out gut about where dragline is located
Workers, probably of the Army Corps of Engineers, building a wooden mat. Barge in foreground has rock, barge behind wooden mat has logs. Steamboat in the background. Photograph of John C. DeBolt, Corps of Engineers. Photo 4 of series.