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Plan of St. Lewis
Regni Mexicani seu Novæ Hispaniæ, Ludovicianæ, N. Angliæ, Carolinæ, Virginiæ et Pensylvaniæ, necnon insvlarvm archipelagi Mexica
Carte de la Louisiane cours du Mississipi et Pays Voisins
Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary Baptist Missionary Convention of the State of New York
The Sixteenth Annual Report of the Baptist General Tract Society
Carte pour servir au voyage des Lewis et Clarke, à l'océan Pacifique
Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Baptist Association
Plates from "The North American Sylva" by François André  Michaux
Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Georgia Bark (Pinckneya pubens)
Black Walnut
Butter Nut
Mappe monde a l'usage du roy
Nouvelle carte particulière de l'Amérique

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