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Charters and Organization
  Map to illustrate the route of Prince Macimilian of Wied in the interior of North America from Boston to the upper Missouri
Annual report of the president and directors of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Co. (Eastern Division) for the year 1865
Henry Clay Indenture
M-023: Henry Clay Letters
Voting Delegate, National Townsend Convention Ribbon
Charles Deas, Winnebago with Bear-Claw Necklace and Spiked Club
Charles Deas, Winnebago with Bear-Claw Necklace and Spear
Charles Deas, Winnebago with Peace Medal and Pipe
Charles Deas, Portrait of Robert Watts
Charles Deas, Portrait of a Man
Charles Deas, Winnebago (Wa-kon-cha-hi-re-ga) in a Bark Lodge
Charles Deas, Portrait of a Woman
Charles Deas, Western landscape with Waterfall and Figure
Charles Deas, Portrait of Gratz A. Moses

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