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Remarks of the Hon. J. R. Barrett of St. Louis
Senator Cordill
Franklin Avenue Restaurant
Wine of Cardui
These 14 Cars Sold To The City Of St. Louis
Celebration at Opening of Davis Island Dam
Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Union Baptist Association
James Lee II
John W. Barriger III Collection Maps
Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the North Grand River United Baptist Association
Minutes of the Thirty-Fourth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
Railway Locomotive With Trainmen
The City of St. Louis Missouri.
River Protection Work
River Improvement Work
Government Equipment in tow of U. S. General J. H. Simpson
Smokestack Repair
F. Weyerheuser
Steward and Cook Crew
Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations of the Mercantile Library Association of Baltimore


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