Launching a 12-speech day which carried him through southern Illinois and on to Springfield, Senator John F. Kennedy campaigned vigorously Monday on the East Side after an overnight stop in St. Louis. At Granite City (above left), he met one of the day's biggest turnouts, an estimated 3000 persons who gathered in the Bellemore Village Shopping Center. Another large crowd was on hand to hear the
Eagle Packet Company coal book from 1931 - 1945. Records Eagle company coal sales as well as balance sheets for the company's labor, drayage, and cargo from various ports such as Saint Louis, Alton, Grafton, Mozier, Louisiana, Keokuk, Ste. Genevieve, Chester and Quincy, among others. Some pages are missing.
Photograph of a bridge under construction. There's a town in the background over the river, and one of the buildings has a sign that says "Alton Baking & Catering".
Children play with one of many toys that were donated from the funds of the Old Newsboys Days at the Alton Day Care Center. The toy shown is intended to assist children in learning how to use common fasteners on clothes. From left: Audra Bryant, 2, daughter of Mrs. Shirley Bryant, Alton; Danny Wright, 3, son of Mr. & Mrs. Tim Wright, Florissant, Mo.; and Sarah Springman, 3, son of Mr. & Mrs