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Harbor of Saint Louis.
The master rings for "All Stop"
Derrick Hercules
Ice at Service Base
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1894. Vol. XII. For the Year Ending November 15th, 1894
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1893. Vol. XI. For the Year Ending November 15th, 1893
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1909
Watson & Co.'s Classified Business Directory of St. Louis and Other Enterprising Cities of Missouri and Illinois, 1899-1900
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1912
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1913
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1910
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1911
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1915
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1916
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1914
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1891. Vol. IX. For the Year Ending November 15th, 1891
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1899
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1898. Vol. XVI. For the Year Ending November 20th, 1898
Gould's Blue Book, for the City of St. Louis. 1890. Vol. VIII. For the Year Ending November 15th, 1890


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