Image of a machine gun enclosed around several sandbags. One of the many items of WWI memorabilia at the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant. The building is modeled after Eddie Rickenbacker's farmhouse headquarters in France during the first World War.
Berkeley officials want to buy the former Berkeley Junior High School, above, for $1 from the Ferguson-Florissant School District. A preschool program is currently operating in the building. The city wants to use the building for a city hall and community center to bring all the city's departments under one roof. The existing city hall, right, is too small, city officials say.
Training for trades: Participating in recent dedication ceremonies for the Vocational Training Center's newest location, in Berkeley, are, from left, Steve Lasky, educational director; Curtis Greer, a member of the St. Louis Football Cardinals; Nancy Quigle, city manger of Berkeley; Barbara Riley, director of the new center; J.R. Davidson, executive director; William Fisher, assistant director of planning and outside activities; and Marshal Lasky, president. The location of the center, a private trade school, is 6317 Garfield Ave. and 5021 Fyler Ave. The centers are accredited by the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools.
Berkeley to push cleanup of airport-owned property - City Manager Nancy Shevey was instructed to contact the proper airport official to get the vacated properties cleaned up. There are two proposals for redevelopment of the properties: to use the lower end for active recreation and the upper end for a picnic and airport viewing area or to put the acreage to light-industrial use.
Berkeley police will move into their new two-story headquarters at 5850 N. Hanley rd., Friday or the beginning of next week. The $460,000 brick masonry structure was funded out of a bond issue passed in Nov., 1972, and an additional $71,000 from the federal government for a Civil Defense emergency communication's center in the basement.
Berkeley, MO (5-14-84/06): CITY BUDGET MEETING - Gregg Blumenfeld directs the live broadcast of the Berkeley City budget meeting from the mobile production van of the American Cablevision of St. Louis, Inc. Blumenfeld is production coordinator for the cable TV company. (GLOBE DEMOCRAT PHOTO BY RICK STANKOVEN)
Berkeley, MO (5-14-84/05): CITY BUDGET MEETING -- Berkeley EMS Officer William Fix uses a chart to tell the tale of the EMS calls handled by the department. The City Budget Meeting was broadcast live by the American Cablevision of St. Louis, In. Feat. (GLOBE DEMOCRAT PHOTO BY RICK STANKOVEN)
Berkeley Police Chief Robert E. Woerther, right, and Police Lt. Ward F. Stall discuss patrol assignments for Special Enforcement Unit Police, who wear plain clothes and travel in unmarked cars.
Berkeley's Bicentennial Dedication of Independence Park and a memorial plaque to the city's war dead took place Sunday in the park. Holding the park's dedication flag, from left, are Mayor Ronald D. Taylor, John Stoffel of Amvets Post 3. Councilman George E. Twellmann and the Rev. Edward J. Filipiak, past national chaplain of Sad Sacks, the honor and fun group associated with Amvets.
Woman killed: Elizabeth Maxwell, 22, died in the explosion of this house at 4920 N. Hanley Road, Berkeley, Tuesday. Mrs. Maxwell, who was eight months pregnant, apparently was overcome by the smoke after the explosion. Authorities said the explosion was apparently caused by leaking gas. Story on 6A.
This Berkeley house has a new roof because of a case of mistaken identity. The back porch also was removed and two large trees were cut down at the wrong address before the contractor was ordered off the job by Berkeley officials.
David Harting figures he did the city a favor with his accident. He added a few years to the life of the house, which was scheduled for demolition.
DeNovo Center Helps women fight addictions; Foundation that operates the center seeks to raise $514,000. Where women can receive treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.
Honoring Berkeley's community development achievements during the last year, Governor Christopher S. Bond (left) is shown presenting a Governor's Certificate of Merit to Jack Collins, chairman of the Berkeley Betterment Commission.
The Environs Plan study group office, occupying a former Ramona Hills residence, stands next to a demolished house. Because of severity of the area's aircraft noise problem, the airport bought the neighborhood's 110 homes and is relocating its residents. Eventually, the entire neighborhood will be leveled. How the cleared land will be used has not been decided.
Berkeley, MO (5-14-84/04): City Budget Meeting -- Carl Schwing operates one of the two TV cameras used during the broadcast of the Berkeley Budget meeting which was broadcast live by the American Cablevision of St. Louis, INC. (Globe Democrat photo by Rick Stankoven)