Where He'll Be Kept - In this stone jail at Centerville, Mo., will be kept Robert (Bobby) Camden, known both as "Robin Hood" and the "Scourge" of the Ozarks, when he is brought to the isolated village to face a murder charge, along with five other defendants. Camden, already is in the State Penitentiary at Jefferson City under 30-year sentence for robbery. The six are charged with the slaying of Rev. James A. Radford, hill preacher.
A famous Ozark spring and an historic mill - The Reed Spring near Centerville, Mo., in Reynolds County, is not as well known as several others in the state but it flows a huge amount of water and turns the water wheel of an old mill which is said to be more than 100 years old. The mill was reconstructed a few years ago and instead of grinding meal it now operates an electric light and ice plant
Where the reed spring comes forth from the side of a hill - it forms a sort of pond in a basin on the side of a hill before it flows of through a trough to the old mill. Water cress grows along the edges of the pond which is stocked with fish.