This map appears in the 1840 Saint Louis printing of the "A Description of the English Province of Carolana..." The map was originally printed in 1722.
Map from John Law's "Het groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in dem Jaare 1720", a collection of various pieces on the South Sea Bubble in prose and verse, with a number of caricatures, brought together under a general titlepage.
A work of geo-politics by De l’Isle and presented by his Amsterdam publishers — showing the French lands in the context of a still relatively unexplored and unverified northwestern continent.
Moll, of Dutch or German origin, became along with Senex, one of England’s most prominent mapmakers, creating highly distinctive and elegant representations as his 1720 map of America. As did his contemporary, John Senex (map here), Moll relied on
A work of geo-politics by De l’Isle and presented by his Amsterdam publishers — showing the French lands in the context of a still relatively unexplored and unverified northwestern continent, and compared to the known world ca. 1720.