Map from "A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina..." also by Hutchins. French title: "Description topographique de la Virginie, de la Pensylvanie, du Maryland et de la Caroline Septentrionale : contenant les rivières d'Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokée, Wabash, des Illinois, du Mississippi..." Published in Paris: Le Rouge, 1781.
1 letter, February 27, 1786. A.L.S.
To Mr. [William] hunter, integral address cover docketed by Hunter.
[Authenticated by Mount Vernon Ladies' Association]
1-inch copper token with profile portrait of George Washington and "17891st President U.S.A., George Washington 1797" in low relief surrounding the portrait. Reverse of token is identical to the front.
Clear transparent decanter with profile picture of George Washington with the title "The Father of his Country" on one side. The other side features a profile picture of General Taylor and reads " General Taylor Never Surrenders." Produced by Dyottville Glass works (Philadelphia, PA)
This undated and unsigned map of the boundaries of St. Louis shows the growth of the city at different periods: 1780, 1822, 1839, 1841, 1855, 1860, and 1876.
Portrait of Auguste Chouteau, one of the founders of the city of St. Louis, by Josef Francisco Xavier de Salazar y Mendoza, after 1784, oil on canvas, 35 inches by 27.5 inches