Here is part of the new 55-piece Negro band at Jefferson Barracks, with the director, Technical Sergeant C. K. Young, at left. The band, compromised principally of soldier musicians who have played with top name bands in the country, made its debut yesterday when inspected by Maj. Gen. Irving J. Phillipson of Washington, executive director of the Army Emergency Relief, who came to the city in connection with the opening Monday night of the soldier show, "This Is the Army." The band introduced a new war song, "We Gotta Get Busy," the lyrics of which were written by Col. Thomas J. J. Christian, commanding officer at the post, and Mrs. Christian. The music was written by two members of the band.
Representative Negroes of St. Louis and Mayor Becker were guests of Col. Thomas J. J. Christian, commanding officer of Jefferson Barracks, yesterday at the first all-Negro parade and review ever held at the historic army post. Before the parade Col. Christian and his staff conducted the visitors on a tour of inspection where basic training is being given several thousand Negro soldiers by the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command. In the reviewing stand were (from the left) T.D. McNeal, field representative of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Mrs. Leona Evans, head of the Garfield District Provident Association; Rev. Russell S. Brown; Mayor Becker; George D. Brantley (in back), principal of Sumner High School; Col. Christian; Elmer Mosee, vice commander of Missouri American Legion; James E. Cook, Y.M.C.A.; D. V. Essex of the Urban League and Arnold Walker of the Urban League.