A decorative arch, put in place for the visiting Elks, as pictured at Anheuser-Busch Brewery in 1899. Image from St. Louis Mercantile Library collections.
desired, be rested over-night at farm barns. Constructed by August A. Busch for transporting his "Chief Uncas," a highly pedigreed chestnut colt with which Mr. Busch expects to win the 1925 Derby at Louisville."
"Beechwood chips, sterilized in a cooker, are placed in the Anheuser-Busch Lagering Cellars (above). Here the beer ages, and "krausening," a costly second fermentation, produces Budweiser's natural carbonation and flavor."
"Anheuser-Busch officials completed the purchase of a 160-acre tract of land in the Tampa, Fla., Industrial Park here yesterday. August A. Busch Jr., president, said a new brewery would be built on the site. Taking part in the meeting were (from left) John L. Wilson, Anheuser-Busch executive president; Busch; Ellsworth Simmons, chairman of the board of of Tampa County Commissioners; Henry Toland
"August A. Busch Jr., standing left, presided over yesterday's Anheuser-Busch. Inc., stockholders' meeting, at which time overwhelming approval was voted for the purchase of the Cardinals' baseball club and its vast minor league organization by the brewery. The meeting, said to be the largest ever held at the office on Pestalozzi st., voten in favor of the purchase by 3,488,048 shares as compared (missing) shares against."
Two original captions: "This is the Anheuser-Busch brewery, photographed in 1899, with a decorative arch in place in honor of visiting Elks, who held their national convention in St. Louis in June of that year. Malt house and grain elevators may be seen in the background." "The Anheuser-Busch brewery in 1899. The decorative arch welcomed visiting Elks who held their convention in St. Louis in
"Pickets appeared at the Anheuser-Busch brewery yesterday for the first time since the work stoppage there started Oct. 1. Members of Local 187 of the CIO Beer Bottlers Union are shown before the bottling plant. The company garage and three outside garages housing brewery trucks were also picketed, stopping the delivery of beer."
"August A. Busch Jr., president of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., helped notify pickets at the brewery that a settlement of the company's dispute with the Brewery Workers had been reached at 2:35 a.m. yesterday. From left, Eberhard Anheuser, chairman of the board of the brewery; R. W. Upshaw, vice president; Robert F. Lewis, president of the Joint Local Executive Board of the Brewery Workers, and Busch
"Pickets from the Newark, N. J. local of the CIO Brewery Workers Union set up a picket line yesterday at the Anheuser-Busch brewery here, but most workers crossed the line and production was not halted. The union is seeking a contract at the Anheuser-Busch Newark plant."