Women (with a few scattering men) crowded the Opera House of Municipal Auditorium yesterday afternoon to hear and see the "Figure Clinic" presented by Miss Ida Jean Kain, Globe-Democrat diet columnist.
Part of the 4,000 women who attended the opening of the Globe-Democrat's Annual Cooking and Homemaking School at Washington University Field House yesterday afternoon. The school is under the direction of Miss Jessie Marie DeBoth, well-known authority on cooking and household arts.
Almost 900 women attended the opening session of the Globe-Democrat sponsored cooking school held yesterday afternoon at Almanbra Grotto 2626 South Grand Blvd. The free sessions, which will be held weekly through Thanksgiving week, are directed by Mrs. Mae Ellen Bruce of the Home Economics Department of Union electric Company.
A view of the capacity crowd which attended the opening program of the Globe-Democrat's Cooking School at which Jessie Marie Deboth demonstrated the latest in the recipe world.
Birdseye view of audience and stage while cooking is demonstrated by Miss Jessie Marie DeBoth. On the stage are kitchen appliances showing GE stove, clothes washing machine, refrigerator and unknown wares. Prizes are displayed by Rino and Spry Contest and GE: these include a large ribbon is wrapped around a GE [General electric] Stove and include about 50 baskets filled with cleaning products and women's shoes.
Audience shows the front row with four nuns and the second row shows a women who appears to be bored. Some women are taking notes. It appears all are women except for the roped off section for the first four rows that includes 3 men. Caption reads, "Part of the crowd of more than 4500 women who attended the second big program in the Globe-Democrat's tenth Annual Cooking school at the Washington University Field House yesterday afternoon. The school is under the direction of Miss Jessie Marie De Both, well-known cooking and home economics expert."
Part of the crowd of 4,000 who attended the opening of the Globe-Democrat's eleventh annual Cooking and Homemaking School yesterday afternoon in the Field House at Washington University. Sessions will be held again at 2 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, with the traditional "white elephant" party tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, where Vincent L. Price Jr., well-known young St. Louis