Kenton R. Cravens, chairman of the board of the Mercantile Trust Company, has ben elected a member of the board of directors of the Granite Steel Company.
Discussing interest rates at the 27th annual correspondent banking conference of Mercantile Trust Co. are Neal J. Farrell, president and chief operating officer of Mercantile; Norman M. Coats, director of the economic research department of Ralston Purina Co.; Robert O. Blomquist, executive vice president of Mercantile, and Eugenene A. Leonard, senior vice president of Mercantile and head of its correspondent banking division.
Kenton R. Cravens (second from left), president of Mercantile Trust Company, St. Louis, is shown presenting three bank employees with 21-year service pins awarded at a banquet at Hotel Statler last night, honoring them and other veteran staff members, directors and annuitants. The banquet is an annual affair of the 21 Club, the bank's service organization. From left, Arthus E. Poth, Mr. Cravens, Charles B. Shapard and Harrison E. Coerver.
SIDNEY MAESTRE, banker and civic leader, was named by Mayor Tucker as chariman of the Citizens Bond Issue Screening Committee to prepare items to be included in the proposed $100,000,000 public improvement bond issue.