Globe-Democrat Newsboys in Hardin, Illinois use dog-power to speed the paper to subscribers. They are Marquis (left) and Joel Berrey, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Marquis Berrey of Hardin. The boys place their paper sack over the back of their Collie, Tina, who carries the load on their rounds. Tina knows the route as well as the boys do. according to customers.
"Sick dog in with 10 other dogs in onew pen-he just sat there weaving from side to side. Shirley Seiler , director of Animal Protective Society pointed him out to me and said he definitely should not be in with other dogs."
"Dogs doomed to die at the City Dog Pound are visited by Katherine Busher, 12, of 3414 Gascanade st., and Marcia LeMoine, 10, of 3420 Klocke st. The two girls came by just to look at the dogs, who were part of 23 to be destroyed tomorrow because they were not claimed last week."
"A veterinarian went on duty at the dog pound yesterday as the city moved to clean up conditions there. Dr. Luther Frederickson is shown (picture at left) inspecting a dog brought to the pound for rabies observation, following a dog bite complaint. At the right City Workhouse prisoners are shown cutting down tall weeds which have marred exterior appearance of the pound at 2120 Gascondade st. A Globe-Democrat investigation touched off the clean-up drive."
"Dog pound veterinarian Luther Frederickson inoculates a dog against rabies. The animal is held by kennelman Raymond Holloway. Dr. Frederickson is a ppermanent member of the Dog Pound staff, since the City Health Division took over. Once a disreputable and inefficient institution, the pound has become a respected agency under the new plan."
"A new city dog pound truck, painted bright yellow and containing 12 permanent cages, sitting in front of the Rabies Control Center at 2120 Gasconade street. J. P. Herring, center supervisor, is showing the truck to "Shelia," a wood chuck who is the center's mascot. There will be two of these trucks in operation."
"Exercise kennels are available for warm weather. They adjoin inside cages. This area was full of weeds and fences were broken before repairs were made."
"Kennelman Raymond Holloway helps Mrs. Oliver Debuhr, and her mother, Mrs. J. C. Pluempe, both of 5484 Oleatha try to identify their dog. The missing dog was not at the pound."