Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Schultz, 5361 Minerva ave., with their two younger children, Carol, 7, and Jeffrey, 3. Mr. Schultz says, "I found out that when you don’t know anybody to turn to, United Fund will go to bat for you."
Presenting $22,000 Check to Mrs. Richard H. Tennyson, Globe-Democrat Crossword Quizzer Puzzle winner, is business manage G. Duncan Baumann. Looking on are Mr. Tennyson, her son Charles, her daughter Donna, and sister Mrs. James Arnold.
Mr. and Mr.s Troy E. Key of 2212 Portis Avenue submitted one of the two winning enteries in last week's Crossword Quizzer contesthey won $7,500. Their children are Donna 7 (left) and Joanne, 5.
Outside the City Hall is a family unit, who have sleeping bags, portable bed, suitcases and lawn chair. Two women are talking to talking to a white man in a dark suit who has squatted to be at eye level. There is a sign for Democrat for [Mayor- Poelker]
Outside City Hall there appears to be a black family who have sleeping bags and lawn chairs next to the steps. There is a white man in a suit squatting down at eye level talking to a women. There is a political sign leaning on the stairs stone steps that reads; Poelker, a man to believe in... Democrat for Mayor.