Ferry boat and steamer Providence. Wiggins ferry? Note bull rail on main deck. Julius Walsh, Kuntz; ferryboater, 3; working --- North Market, 24 hr. service = ran to Venice on Sun. beer open. Capt. Menke got showboat for Sunday trade
The Sporty Days was a double deck, combination ferry and packet boat. She was built on the river bank at New Madrid, Missouri, in 1927 by Dick Richardson for John Kirtz, her owner and operator. The dimensions of her wood hull, with a scow bow, were 60 x 26 x 4 feet. Width overall, 30 feet; draught about two feet. She had but one stack and one tubular boiler about 12 feet long and 36 inches in
This time table will be in force June 1st, 1885, until October 1st, 1885. There will be no ferrying done with skiff excepting on Sunday, unless some accident on account of boat. Will run until sundown, if called for. Washington Ferry Co. Frank Hoelscher, Master.
Side-wheel packet A. C. Donnally at loading dock. This steamer ran Cincinnati to New Orleans before it burned on the Missouri shore just south of Cairo in February 1879.
The Sporty Days was a double deck, combination ferry and packet boat. She was built on the river bank at New Madrid, Missouri, in 1927 by Dick Richardson for John Kirtz, her owner and operator. The dimensions of her wood hull, with a scow bow, were 60 x 26 x 4 feet. Width overall, 30 feet; draught about two feet. She had but one stack and one tubular boiler about 12 feet long and 36 inches in