PREPARING FOR EASTER EGG HUNT are members of the Hazelwood Fire Department, who are cooking and coloring 240 dozen eggs for the event, which starts at 2 p. m. Sunday behind the Hazelwood City Hall, 9150 Highway 66. They are Charles Hauck of 617 Holiday Ave., chairman of the hunt; Capt. Joseph McNamara, 7113 Fordshire la.; Wayne Sanders, 803 Bellflower dr.; Bernie McGuire, 7109 McGuire la.; and
not promised to follow the board's recommendation.
But Walker insisted Harris had told him the recommendation would be followed. "We shook hands on it. He's a liar. He's reneged. He double-crossed us," Walker said, adding that the only way the men would return to duty is if Dimetre is reinstated.
WALKER SAID HE has already arranged for o ther union