Three captions: "Building Collapse - A firefighter works to remove loose materiel on top of the building at 3955 McDonald Ave." " A firefighter works to remove loose bricks from the roof of 3957-59 McDonald Ave."
"Overhang falls from roof of S. Side flat; no one hurt: An overhang on the front of a four-unit flat at 3957-59 McDonald Ave. in South St. Louis collasped about 4:40 p.m. Sunday, according to authorities. No one was injured when the 3-foot overhang fell from the two-story building, and the cause of the collapse was not known, authorities said. The only resident in the building at the time was Peter M. Mannisi, 36, who said he was talking on the telephone when the overhang fell. 'I heard a small crash and I thought it was an air-conditioner falling,' Mannisi said. 'Then I heard a big boom, and I looked out and saw all these bricks falling past my window.'"
"Collapsed building panels on 10th floor of building at 11th and Locust streets. Hand is of fireman hooking a vice to building to keep other panels from blowing away."
Hazelwood firemen remained off the job after a Sunday morning meeting between city and union officials failed to resolve a dispute stemming from the dismissals of two firefighters.
Both sides offered compromises to end the strike which began Saturday afternoon, but both suggestions were rejected.
Through the first day of the strike, the substitute fire department devised by Hazelwood officials went untested although several false alarms were received. Police reported no incidents involving pickets by strikers.
City Manager Steven J. Harris said he offered to forego disciplinary action against the striking firemen if they would return to work, but that bid was rejected by Richard T. Walker, president of Local 398 of the International Association of Fire Fighters.