Amusement park fire under inquiry: Firemen, silhouetted against blazing amusement rides at the Chain of Rocks Fun Fair Park, fight the fire which caused an estimated $180,000 in damage.
This lithograph illustrated the destruction of the steamboats "Grand Republic" and "Carondelet" from September 19, 1877 when the steamboats caught fire and burned to the shore. The boats were shown shrouded in smoke and engulfed in flames as men rushed back and forth along the shore in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
"For days after the fire, police maintained special details to keep the curious from the ruins. Then eight days later, the proud structure, once hailed for its graceful architectural lines and fort-like appearance, claimed six more lives when a wall fell on the adjoining St. Louis Seed Company building. Rest of walls were then levelled by dynamite."
of business advertising cards. In addition to the directory, it contains an Almanac to the city of St. Louis for the year 1850, and a detailed account of many local events of 1849, including the Great Fire and the Asiatic cholera outbreak.
"Scott Schwartz, an employee at the Timberlake Apartments, trying out the fire escape. The storage area on the left was also in violation (of fire safety laws)."
"Concern over Timberlake: Kirkwood officials said Thursday that the city apparently allowed construction of the Timberlake Apartments complex in the late 1960s in violation of fire and building codes that were in effect then. As a result, city officials probably will ask a St. Louis County judge Monday to decide whether about 100 tenants in 47 units should be evicted from the complex because of
Text from various works surrounds illustrations of a fire that broke out in the Southern Hotel on the morning of April 11th, 1877. The text and captions are in German. The illustrations deal mainly with the victims of the fire and their rescuers.
"Firefighters walk past a pile of smoldering hats thrown from a hat company's second-floor storage area during a small fire in the Globe-Democrat building Friday."