Gold-toned cardboard cut to the shape of eye glasses with black text reading "Goldwater for President" on each temple, "Things Look Better Already" across the top center, and "Vote G.O.P." on the bottom of the frames. Across the top of the frame is a line drawing of a smiling elephant with its trunk and tail wrapped around the glasses.
White paper brochure with a photograph of then-presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Below is blue and red text reading "Why you, as one who believes in Barry Goldwater should be counted among his supporters NOW!". Inside is a message encouraging supporters to organize "Americans for Goldwater" chapters. On the back is the address of Americans for Goldwater in Phoenix, to which supporters could write for a copy of "Handbook for Victory".
Brochure comparing President Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater, both then-presidential candidates. The front page has a shield with an American flag motif and the photographs of Johnson and Goldwater. The inside of the brochure contains the candidates' campaign platforms on various issues including "Extremism", "Unions", "Health Care for the Elderly Under Social Security", and "Role of Government", with relevant quotes from each candidate in sections below red headers. The back has a statement from the AFL-CIO in support of Johnson's re-election. Small text at the bottom identifies the "AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education".
Red paper ticket with black text. Text at the top reads "FREE RICKSHAW RIDE". Under a thin dividing line below, arranged vertically, are the simplified Chinese characters for "gold" and "water" with the English translation below each character - referring to presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Below "'64" is printed. Below another thin dividing line is text reading "CALIFORNIA & GRANT ST. 3PM-9PM"
page is a red box with the logo for the "National Federation of Republican Women" and their mailing address, "1625 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006".