The eight winners of the morning session of the Globe-Democrat-KTVI spelling bee are congratulated by Mrs, Marie Jalageas, director of the spelling bee. They are, from left: Jill Probus, Mary Hammett, Daniel Puent, Marquita French, Mary E. Goodwin, Kathy cox, Hilda Besand and Joseph Grossmann.
Winners of the semifinal round of the spelling bee Saturday were, from left: Dianne Woods, Frances Peters, Kathleen O'Hanlon, Mary Katherine O'Dowd, Gary Blagg, Roberta Knoblauch, Andrea Britton and Brenda Colley.
Receiving instructions from Mrs. Marie Jalageas, Spelling Bee director, are the eight finalists of the afternoon session. Seated are Richard Richards and Jill Probus; standing, Roger Engler, Stephen Krupp, Don Orf, Nick Blumhorst, Rhonda Ruth and Kathy White.
Afternoon winners in the spelling bee were, from left, Roberta Knoblauch, Andrea Britton, Gary Consolino, Ann Piening, William Lester, Charles Szczepanik, Rebecca Schrodt and Susan McWhorter.
Gary Blagg, 14, became the local spelling bee champion by out-spelling seven girls in the final session of the bee and earned the right to represent the St. Louis area in the National Spelling Bee finals in Washington in June. The spelling bee is sponsored locally by The St. Louis Globe-Democrat and KTVI, Channel 2. The runner-up was Dianne Woods, 13, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Woods
Winners of the afternoon session of the Spelling Bee view prizes that will be awarded at the final session May 6. From left, are Jeff Jackson, Matt Fels, Beth Carver, Amy Dauber, Jean Norfleet, Margaret Zlatic, Rosemary Feurer and Glanda Allen.
Top spellers in the morning session of the Spelling Bee, from left, are Marcie O'Mara, Roschell Nelson, Sally Stephan, Linda Gonzalez, Kathy Wilmering, John O'Connell, Jim Molini and Neal Rothermich. Prizes to be awarded to the local winner are in front.
Winners in the afternoon session of the Spelling Bee are, sitting from left, Timothy Kalinowshi, Sandra Schmidt and David Harris. Standing, from left, are Debbie Shrum, David smith, Daryl Page, Stuart McKee and Elvin Harms Jr.
Winners of the afternoon session of Saturday's quarter-finals in the National Spelling Bee, from left are, Anne Allgood, Dall Davis, Jean Vidmar, Albert Umbertino, Jeanne Klasek, Nick Blumhorst, Denise Hoertel and Mary Elizabeth Meadows.
The winners of the Saturday morning quarter-final round of the National Spelling Bee check prizes awaiting the eventual area champion. From left, are Anne Rosen, Mary Beth Herzog, Stephen Krupp, Susan hull, Vicki Woehlke, Karen McCauley, matt Bauer and Mary Ellen Droege.
The winners of the Saturday morning quarter-final round of the Spelling Bee are congratulated by the pronouncer Brad Harrison. From left; Nancy Geuss, Janet Evansco, Cheryl Begeman, Carolyn Mitchell, Tim Meinzen, Laura Nelson, Doug Dripps and Sarah Norvell.
Winners of the morning session of the Globe-Democrat-KPLR, Channel 11, Spelling Bee receive instructions from Marie Jalageas, director of the Spelling Bee. From left: Karen Rothermich, Tim McAuliffe, Diane Sue buss, Liz Torno, Susan Ferrier, Renee Sevier, Jane Ohl and Gregory A. Houdyshell
Morning session winners are: front row from left, Rene Bean, Jimmy Powers, Jill Anderson and Lynn Huskey; back row, Theresa Swoboda, Anthony Huenneke and Kathy Lumetta. Denny Cooney was not present for the picture.
Winners of the Saturday morning semifinal round of the National Spelling Bee congratulating each other, from left, are Jeff Tucker, Anne Schroeder, Maureen Corley, Glenda Allen, Kathey Wilmering, Mary Kay Blumfelder, Mark Stookey and Cedric Gist.
The eight finalists of The Globe-Democrat - KTVI Channel 2 Spelling bee confer with judge Al Wilson and pronouncer Larry Badders. From left: Anne Schroeder, Lesa Hicks, Keith Mondy, Becky Demermuth, Janet Turner, Denise Hoertel, Maureen Corley and Kathy Wilmering.
Winners of the morning session of the Globe-Democrat -- KTVI Spelling Bee. From left, in front, are Edna O'Brien, Patrick Farrell, Karen Barnard and Cathy Brewer. In second row: Barbara Baser, Paul Stratil, Kathi Shaw and Janine Pope.
Winners in the afternoon session of the National Spelling Bee are, from left, first row: Denise Kabbaz, Jeffrey Allen Graham, Sandra Frey; second row, Mark Leiber, Walter Kempf, Eric Zehnbauer; third row, Jeanne Dulle and Della Bergadine.