On the plaza, in front of Soldiers' Memorial, Cook "Slim" Hering (left) polished off the pots and pans, while James Higginbottom, assigned to K. P. (Kitchen Police), helped "Shorty" Wagner pack up dishes after lunch had been served to the soldiers.
"Participants in Boatmen's business forecast luncheon were, seated from the left, Stanley J. Goodman, Ellis L. Brown, W. L. Hadley Griffin and Walter J. Simmons; standing from the left, Donald N. Brandin, Richard C. Grayson, Paul F. Cornelson and Stanley H. Anonsen."
"Discussing banking issues at the annual Centerre Bank correspondents conference are, from left, Murray L. Weidenbaum, Mallinckrodt Distinguished Professor of Economics at Washington University; Clarence C. Barksdale, chairman and chief executive officer of the bank; Lawrence K. Roos, limited partner of the investment firm of Baer, Stearns & Co.; and William Tull, senior executive vice president of the bank."
"Waiting for lunch is this group in the Khorassan Room. From left, they are Mrs. Carl Thorup; Mrs. Herman Hinsman, president of the Associated Garden Clubs of Kirkwood; Mrs. J. G. Schreiber and Mrs. Richard Malick."
Family member on hand to pay tribute to Mrs. Walter E. Morris, Woman of Achievement in Arts, included, left to right, her husband; Dr. Kay Lewis of Galveston, Texas; Mrs. John H. Sutherland and Charles L. Morris.
Mrs. Warren E. Hearnes was one of the last Women of Achievement to receive her orchid, "I'm late," she said, "my sled got stuck." Globe-Democrat publisher, G. Duncan Bauman, and Mrs. Joel Harris were on hand to greet her.
Selected as a Woman of Achievement in 1963 for the qualities which make her a Good Neighbor, Sister M. Felicetta chats with Miss Angela Mazzola,l a 1962 Woman of Achievement in the area of International Understanding.
The Women Of Achievement luncheon is a time for enthusiastic reunion. Miss Beatrice Adams (left) who was honored in 1956, greets Mrs. Edward G. Brungard, a Woman of Achievement in 1955.
Globe-Democrat Women of Achievement, selected over the past 12 years, were honored recently by the newspaper at a tea in the Tiara Room of the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel. Visiting together, from left, are Miss Evelyn Roberts, selected in 1966; Mrs. John M. Dalton, 1963; Mrs. John W. Seddon, 1964, and Mrs. Albert H. Toma, 1961.
Also enjoying a cup of tea together are, from left, Sister M. Felicetta, M.Z.S.H., 1963; Miss Angela Mazzola and Mrs. Leslie T. Barco, both selected in 1962, and Mrs. Donald G. Quicksilver, 1966.
Honoring Mrs. Harry E. Wuertenbaecher were Mrs. James P. Hickrok (left) and Mrs. Elmer F. Bowman. Mrs. Wuertenbaecher was chosen Women of Achievement in the field of Civic responsibility.
Arriving at the Luncheon are, from left: Mrs. J. Lionberger Davis Jr., Mrs. Sanford McDonnell, daughter-in-law of woman of Achievement Mrs. William A. McDonnell, and Mrs. William P. Williams.
Five of last year's honorees were on hand to applaud their successors in the Women of Achievement limelight. From left: Mrs. Jesse M. Abbington, Mrs. Robert Hurwitz, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, Mrs. John M. Dalton and Mrs. George R. Dobler.
Mrs. Leslie F. Bond, a 1968 Woman of Achievement for Human Relations, receives congratulations from Mrs. Margaret r. Maiten, while her husband, Dr. Bond, and sons Leslie Jr., 11, and Erik, 8, look on. Mrs. Maiten was also attending the luncheon to honor Mrs. Willian C. Rhonda, who was lauded for accomplishments in the field of education.
A sterling silver plate, engraved with her name, the year, and the category in which she is cited, is the traditional gift of recognition which each Woman of Achievement receives. The plate is held here by Mrs. Joel B. Harris. Mrs. Harris's mother-in-law, Mrs. Gilbert Harris, was named a Woman of Achievement in 1960.