7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of Williams McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt encased in a white circle surrounded by gold written on a dark teal background. Button back inscribed with J.H. Shaw Co., Phila.
Straight razor in black casing with oval portraits of presidential candidate William McKinley and vice presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt engraved on the blade, along with their names. Crossed flags and a crest in American flag motif are positioned between the portraits.
7/8-inch round pinback button with red on the top, blue on the bottom and a white horizontal stripe bisecting the center. White text along the top edge reads "AMERICA FIRST". White text along the bottom edge reads "JUSTICE TO ALL". Blue text across the center reads "McKINLEY". A small blue mark for Allied Printing Trades Council Local 90 of Chicago is above the white center stripe.
7/8-inch round, post-back clothing button with black and white portrait of William McKinley and Garret Hobart with the American flag in the background. Button has engraving on reverse side for Baldwin & Gleason Company.
landscape with the sun behind a mountain range. In the foreground is a bundle of wheat and a bundle of arrows in an open field. Within the border is text reading "St. Louis Convention June 16, 1896."
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait jugate of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt framed by a golden scroll on a dark blue background. Button has paper label on reverse for Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark and Allied Printing Trades Council 3, Newark.
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portraits of McKinley and Roosevelt in oval frames over an American flag with a gold background. Button has paper label on reverse for Baldwin and Gleason Co., Ltd, New York.
Yellow ribbon with black text reading "McKinley and Hobart and the whole Republican Ticket." Beneath this is a portrait of congressional candidate Thomas S. Butler. The bottom of the ribbon reads "Thomas S. Butler and Better Times."
Glassware mug with profile portrait of William McKinley. The words "Protection and Prosperity" are arched above the portrait and "Maj Wm. McKinley" is written below the portrait with ornate décor on the rim and handles of the mug.
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of William McKinley framed by a gold scroll and the American flag in the background. Button has a paper label on reverse for National Equipment Co., New York and the Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark, with multiple patent dates.
1 and 1/4-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of William McKinley framed by a gold scroll and the American flag in the background. Button has a paper label on reverse for Allied Printing Trades Council 3, Newark, and Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark.
1 and 1/4-inch gold-tone token with low relief profile portrait of William McKinley and his named in low relief block letters above the portrait. On the reverse, a female figure in draped clothing with her head down holds a shield. Next to the figure the words "Inaugurated president of the United States, Mar 4, 1897, Second Term Mar 4, 1909, Assassinated Sep 6, 1901, Died Sep 141901" are in low
"Wm. McKinley Convention (Rep) Washington Square. Note New City Hall North of Convention Hall." The 1896 Republican National Convention was held at the temporary structure pictured here near City Hall.
Circular medal with oval portraits of presidential candidate William McKinley and vice presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt. Above the portraits is an American eagle with wings spread. Below the portraits is a shield with flag motif surrounded by the words "Aug. 8th 1900." The border of the medal reads "Republican State Convention Milwaukee, Wisconsin," while the opposite side depicts part
White paper tag with black text reading "My Papa will Vote for McKinley" and "Gold Standard, Protection, Reciprocity, and Good Times." A burgandy ribbon is looped through one end of the paper.
Gold colored button with photographic color portrait of presidential candidate William McKinley. A red, white, and blue ribbon is folded around the button, making a decorative border, while the rest hangs down from the button.
American flag button with a circular photographic portrait of presidential candidate William McKinley. The black text around the portrait reads "Protection 96".
1 and 1/4-inch round pin back button with image of a white metal dinner bucket over a blue background. Text on a cup on the top of the bucket reads "EMPLOYMENT FOR LABOR". Text on the lid of the bucket reads "A FULL DINNER BUCKET". Across the front of the bucket is a gold oval containing black and white portraits of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. Text on the handle reads "PROSPERITY