"St. Louis' musical progress is discussed on Radio Station KWK's 'Operations Progress' program. From the left yesterday were Paul Beisman, manager of the Municipal Opera and American Theater; William Zalken, secretary of the St. Louis Symphony Society; Justin L. Faherty, KWK director of public affairs and program moderator; Charles Galloway, choral conductor; Charles Cordeal, director of musical education Wellston schools; Gil Newsome, disc jockey, and announcer Les Carmichael."
"Part of the huge crowd which enjoyed opening night of the Municipal Opera Monday night is shown as the Opera launched its forty-third season with the rootin', tootin', shootin', production as 'Calamity Jane'."
"It's full steam ahead for 'Show Boat,' as wardrobe master Peter Messineo and the department's seamstresses check off alterations for next week's production."
"Relaxing outside the new dance rehearsal stage at the Municipal Opera in Forest Park is Jill Rayburn of 2414 Hodge Ave., Granite City, who is a member of the Opera's dancing chorus. children on the ramp are waiting to try out for the children's chorus in the coming production of 'Tom Sawyer.'"
"New box seats at Muny opera get a coat of paint as members of the dancing chorus look on during a break in rehearsals for the first production, which opens June 9. The girls are (left to right) Sandra Simpson, Kathleen Shipp, Charlene Mehl and Renita Cozean. The painters are members of Local 46 of the Painters Union. There are 914 new stadium type box seats, which replace the old temporary seats. larger and more comfortable, they are being painted light green to match a new coat of paint on the floor of the section."
"The Muny has always provided outdoor musical and dance entertainment on a grand scale... You might say that behind every successful troupe of performers stands a troop of skilled stage crews. But there's little time for much standing with cutaintime approaching."
"Three of the principals in 'Brigadoon,' which opens the Muny Opera's thirty-second season tonight, get off for a bit of private practice in a corner of the new rehearsal hall. They are James Mitchell, Virginia Bosler and Olga Lunick. At right is a view of the imposing exterior of the new structure, part of a $750,000 expansion program at the theater."
"The St. Louis Municipal Opera in Forest Park is a busy place these days, getting ready for the opening of the season June 5. Preparing sets for the first production, 'Showboat' are, from left: George Baur Jr., Robert Beckman and Claude Doane."