Packet' Liberty' with photographers boat, when new- built-1889. Marietta Ohio, for apt John K. Booth- sold into the Memphis White River trade- Sold, early 1900s to Capts W. MEanes Sr. & T. Jackson, for a Mobile-Tombigbee Packet- who sold her to Winston & Henry Jones for the same trade- Sold circa 1911, to Montgomery Ala intos, for a towboat, on Alabama River, in Mobile- Montgomery trade-
became one of the most prolific St. Louis scenic photographers active in the latter half of the 19th Century. The Boehl/Koenig partnership lasted until 1897. Boehl retired from photography in 1919 and died later that year on the 12th of December.
The Emil Boehl Collection consists of three series. The collection contains images dating from 1850 to ca. 1906. The collection’s archival materials include
Slides taken by Stanley Barriger (1933-2008) the second son of John W. Barriger III and Elziabeth Thatcher Barriger. Mr. Barriger was known for his personal interest in rail travel and took these images during his many trips around the United States, Canada and outside North America.