"Pickets appeared at the Anheuser-Busch brewery yesterday for the first time since the work stoppage there started Oct. 1. Members of Local 187 of the CIO Beer Bottlers Union are shown before the bottling plant. The company garage and three outside garages housing brewery trucks were also picketed, stopping the delivery of beer."
"Pickets from the Newark, N. J. local of the CIO Brewery Workers Union set up a picket line yesterday at the Anheuser-Busch brewery here, but most workers crossed the line and production was not halted. The union is seeking a contract at the Anheuser-Busch Newark plant."
"Picketing by the CIO Beer Bottlers Union Local 187 was extended yesterday to the entire plant of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., forcing the complete shutdown of production. Pickets shown here are in front of the corn products plant and lager beer cellars near Ninth and Pestalozzi streets. The Anheuser-Busch shutdown was followed by a production stoppage at the Hyde Park Brewwery, where picket lines were
"Picket lines were set up at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery yesterday by the AFL International Association of Machinists, District 9, after 220 machinists walked out in a dispute over a new contract. The company charged the machinists demanded a contract clause that would result in a jurisdictional dispute. The union charged the management with refusal to negotiate." - Looking north on Broadway from Arsenal.
. Until late 1973, Local 1187 had been a member of the AFL-CIO and had been known as Local 187. According to the the Joint Council execultive board findings, many union members mistakenly thought the affiliation agreement that brought the local into the Teamsters provided a grace period... (ends)."
"A picket points finger at a truck driver while a security guard checks the driver's paper after the truck crossed the Bottlers Local 1187 picket line in the rain at Anheuser-Busch Monday."
"Wives of striking beer bottlers picket offices of Anheuser-Busch brewery Tuesday to protest the company's refusal to pay a lump-sum settlement for "furlough weeks" built up under previous contracts. Faith Lippert is in the wheelchair with her 3-month-old daughter, Rebecca. They are being pushed by Adele Mesey."
Two original captions: "Brewery bottlers leaving meeting hall at 1012 Loughborough about noon today." "Brewery bottlers leave the meeting hall after directing their union bargaining team to refrain from any settlement with Anheuser-Busch until the firm agrees to waive disciplinary action against strikers involved in incidents."
Picketing brewery workers look on as their wives and children demonstrate in front of Anheuser-Busch Brewery. The picketers contend that the firm has reneged on its obiligations to pay for a furlough.