Looking into dredge cut face. Advance since start of excavation: 1,500'. Yardage: 325,000. Ste. Genevieve on right. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.
Location of dredge in Pilot Canal on completion of dredging operations for cut No. 2. Just following departure, the second cut was made on left bank a distance of 1,800 ft. from upper end, which the view is towards.
Showing part of the completed river bank that will be one of the banks when the new river channel is completed. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.
View showing discharge line into new river channel made by flood last spring. Reveted bank shown will be for the third river channel that dredge is now cutting. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.
Showing levee construction and Equipment, which is almost completed. Moving some of equipment out today. River in background is channel that was cut by flood last spring and it is to be re-routed into a new channel that the dredge is making the pilot canal for. Station 18+100'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Looking into Face of canal cut and showing remainder of canal to be cut. Roadway shown immediately across cut was used by levee contractor and was the cause of a 12-hour shutdown dispute. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.
Looking aft. towards mouth of canal. Total advance has been 1,500 ft. Yardage: 325,000. Work started: Augues, 22, 1952. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal.
Showing shore line and discharge may be seen at left by house. To the right is the baffle plate discharge from the dredge (Black), which is dredging at upper end of Pilot Canal. This dredge is at station 11+20'. Total advance to date: 4,610'. Total yardage to date: 1,057,693. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Looking forward to uncut section of Pilot Canal. At station 19+100. Total advance to date: 3,900'. Production to date: 894,260 yds. The canal cut ends at channel in background--distance of 1,800 feet. The river channel is the one cut by the flood last spring. Kansas City District, channel diversion.