Presenting $22,000 Check to Mrs. Richard H. Tennyson, Globe-Democrat Crossword Quizzer Puzzle winner, is business manage G. Duncan Baumann. Looking on are Mr. Tennyson, her son Charles, her daughter Donna, and sister Mrs. James Arnold.
Mr. and Mr.s Troy E. Key of 2212 Portis Avenue submitted one of the two winning enteries in last week's Crossword Quizzer contesthey won $7,500. Their children are Donna 7 (left) and Joanne, 5.
Presenting a Check for $26,000 to Miss Elizabeth Griffing, the winner of the Crossword Quizzer puzzle No. 22 is G. Duncan Bauman, Globe-Democrat Business Manager. Miss Griffing 4633 Lindell Blvd. is a practical nurse. Before receiving the check she commented, "I credit my dictionary for helping me solve the Quizzer puzzle correctly."