"Walter Gruenert and Gladys Rosenow waltz to the strains of the orchestra, left, while everyone joins in the dancing in the streamer-decorated Crusader Room, above. Sister Donna Loretto Gunn dances with Ben Bogdanov, and Estelle Menzel shows of the fan sleeve of her dress while dancing with her brother, W. J. Wagner."
Pictured: Estelle Menzel and W. J. Wagner.
Captioned on back: "Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly (he is blind). The couple was married 54 years ago May 4. Mrs. Connelly is 86 and her groom of 64 years will be 86 in July of this year. The couple are residents of the San Luis Apartments."
"Sister Donna Loretta Gunn, left, shows a display apartment at San Luis to a prospective tenant, Mrs. Harry E. Coffin. The new kitchen is reflected in the mirror above the couch."
"Two elderly men were critically injured and about 30 people were evacuated from their homes in the San Luis Apartments, 4483 Lindell Blvd., when a two-alarm fire broke out on the 11th floor of the senior citizen's residence Thursday night. The residents - some semi-invalids - were rousted by firefighters from their 10th and 11th floor apartments in the center tower of the 266-unit, E-shaped
Two comments on back: "Overall view of the senior citizen bazaar at Maryville Gardens." "Fund-raiser: Last weekend's bazaar at Maryville Gardens apartment complex in South St. Louis raised funds to buy activity equipment for disabled senior citizens. More than $6,500 was --" cut to - "to purchase gift and decorative items. The two-year-old apartment complex is built on the former campus for Maryville College and later for Augustinian Academy."