Photograph of the Southern Hotel in St. Louis from Broadway and Elm. The building features corner quoins, an elaborate cornice, column supported balconies, and large windows along the ground floor. A large American flag waves above the building.
Photograph of the dining area in the Southern Hotel in St. Louis. It features wooden tables and chairs with white table clothes. Gilded Corinthian pilasters and ornate plasterwork on the ceiling.
Photograph of the parlor of the Southern Hotel in St. Louis. The carpeted room features plush wooden furniture, curtained entrances, a fireplace, gilded wallpaper, and electric chandeliers.
Cover page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper from April 28, 1877. Vol XLIV, No 1,126. It features eight lithographs of the burning of the Southern Hotel in St. Louis.
Text from various works surrounds illustrations of a fire that broke out in the Southern Hotel on the morning of April 11th, 1877. The text and captions are in German. The illustrations deal mainly with the victims of the fire and their rescuers.