This photograph provides a wide view of Locust Street headed downhill toward 18th Street. It includes several storefronts, large buildings, and a tall church steeple in the distance. The street is shared by pedestrians, horse-drawn carriages, as well as motorized vehicles. Gas street lamps and telephone wires line the street.
This photograph shows the corner of Seventh Street and Washington Avenue in the rain. Several pedestrians, including businessmen, are walking down the sidewalk. One woman looking into a store window is taking shelter under an umbrella. There are streetcars, motor cars, and and horse-drawn carriages in the street. Streetcar and telephone wires crisscross overhead. Each of the the buildings are several stories tall and are adorned with advertisements and electric marquees.
This photograph shows a crowd of people surrounding a street-side produce market. The market took place at the base of the Grand Water Tower, on the corner of Grand Blvd. and 20th Street. The view in this photograph faces South and provides a broad view of several store fronts, houses, a church steeple and the wide street. The street is filled not only with people, but also with streetcars, motor cars, and horse-drawn wagons. Street car and power wires stretch overhead.
Photograph of streetcars on street under repair, a modified streetcar with the cab removed is in the foreground. Men are visible in the background on the sidewalk in front of the businesses.
Photograph of automobile crossing streetcar tracks over wooden road crossing. Streetcar is visible in background moving towards crossing., The automobile appears to be a Packard limousine.
"Here's a familiar site: The City Hall and Municipal Courts Building as the appeared on a fine July day in 1912. Styles have changed a bit, modes of transportation are not quite the same, and there are a lot of things missing from this picture that you might see if you took a good look at the same corner today. Real fast, now: How many of the missing items can you recall? Answer on Page 2F."