The midway at Union Station was almost deserted last night as a result of the strike of three railroad brotherhoods which has paralyzed operations of the Terminal Railroad Association in St. Louis. All railroads except the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio have suspended passenger service at Union Station.
Various illustrations and text from a page from a volume of Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung (Illustrated Newspaper). There is an illustration of the then-new Custom House and Post Office, Natives of the Gold Coast on an English steamboat, a worker's strike on English ships in Sierra Leone, people waiting for pubs to open in London, and a street fight between government troops and Carlists. The text surrounding the illustrations is not relevant to the illustrations.
not promised to follow the board's recommendation.
But Walker insisted Harris had told him the recommendation would be followed. "We shook hands on it. He's a liar. He's reneged. He double-crossed us," Walker said, adding that the only way the men would return to duty is if Dimetre is reinstated.
WALKER SAID HE has already arranged for o ther union
Hazelwood firemen remained off the job after a Sunday morning meeting between city and union officials failed to resolve a dispute stemming from the dismissals of two firefighters.
Both sides offered compromises to end the strike which began Saturday afternoon, but both suggestions were rejected.
Through the first day of the strike, the substitute fire department devised by Hazelwood officials went untested although several false alarms were received. Police reported no incidents involving pickets by strikers.
City Manager Steven J. Harris said he offered to forego disciplinary action against the striking firemen if they would return to work, but that bid was rejected by Richard T. Walker, president of Local 398 of the International Association of Fire Fighters.